[YachtName] => Silverwind
[yachttype] => Array
[LiftingDate] => 07-09-2023
[Launchingdate] => 06-05-2024
[Yachtactivity] => Array
[0] => Αναψυχής
[ConstructionMaterial] => Array
[0] => Πλαστικό
[model] => Najad 405
[RegistrationNumber] => NZ3109
[lengthoverall] => 40
[beam] => 12.8
[weight] => 12
[draft] => 7
[customer] => Array
[0] => New customer
[customer_type] => Array
[0] => Individual
[FirstName] => Robert
[LastName] => Kyles
[intl_tel-1-cf7it-national] => 0274986105
[intl_tel-1] => +300274986105
[intl_tel-1-cf7it-country-name] => Greece (Ελλάδα)
[intl_tel-1-cf7it-country-code] => 30
[intl_tel-1-cf7it-country-iso2] => gr
[intl_tel-2-cf7it-national] => +64 274986105
[intl_tel-2] => +64274986105
[intl_tel-2-cf7it-country-name] => New Zealand
[intl_tel-2-cf7it-country-code] => 64
[intl_tel-2-cf7it-country-iso2] => nz
[email-561] =>
[maintancerepair] => Array
[0] => Yes
[textarea-775] => Just need to do minor works and paint the antifoul, thank you. Please note the length, beam and draft are in feet and inches, I could not see how to enter metric numbers.