[subject] => Sogno
[industry] => MONOHULL
[startdate] => 01-09-2023
[estimated_date] => 01-05-2024
[activity1] => Αναψυχής
[attributes] => Πλαστικό
[brand] => Moody
[registration_number] => SSR889549
[length] => 11.70
[width] => 3.90
[assigned_user_id] => 8
[weight] => 12
[draft] => 1.70
[ssalesprocesses_status] => PLL_QUOTE
[attention] => Dear Sir/Madam,
I am looking to do my annualy maintenance service of my yanmar. My engine has 5300 hours.
Thank you
[siteform] => Προσφορά & εργασίες
[description] => Νεος Πελάτης: ΝΑΙ, Όνομα: Karen, Επώνυμο: Bury, Κινητό τηλεφωνο: +44995481638, Email:, Καταχωρήθηκε ως:Individual
[sixnotitaxreoseon] => ΧΡΕΩΣΗ ΑΝΑ ΜΗΝΑ
[related_to] => 389454